intuitive, transformative coaching and sacred companionship
Deep inside the cave of the heart, there is a yearning. That yearning holds the key to your authentic healing and becoming.
Yet, because of self-limiting beliefs, subconscious fears, trauma and conditioning you might neglect that yearning and so put a lid on your becoming. Through transformative, intuitive coaching and sacred companionship, I’m here to support you in bringing awareness and healing to these limitations. To uncover your heart's deepest desires and walk with you as you discover your unique gifts and what fills you with joy and purpose. And from there, to accompany the change and movement that allows you to embrace your calling and live a life true to your soul.
With over a decade of closely assisting people in transformational, shamanic and spiritual processes, through deep listening, presence, reflection, internal metaphors, gentle invocation and guided self-inquiry, I create sacred spaces to support sincere souls in genuine healing and gradual awakening.
1:1 transformative sessions in dedication to the awakening of your heart, intuition and innate wisdom through:
- transmutation of trauma and wounding
- the medicine of radical love and acceptance
- reconnection work - reconnecting with your authentic, natural self
- loving boundaries - being so strong you can be gentle
- compassionate self-inquiry
- metaphorical journeying
- spiritual emergency/crisis assistance
- ayahuasca and medicine journey integration
“My own time on earth has led me to believe in two powerful instruments that turn experience into love: holding and listening. For every time I have held or been held, every time I have listened or been listened to, experience burns like wood in that eternal fire, and I find myself in the presence of love.”
- Mark Neppo
“My time with Madhava Priya is something I cherish with all my heart. She is the most intuitive person I have ever worked with. She listens and speaks from her heart and that helps me to do the same. Our weekly meetings are like a shelter from the storm. It has helped me find deep and rich meaning in my life and a sense of purpose that brings me peace and joy. Since we started our work together, I am laughing more and living my life with a renewed sense of wonder and excitement. For that and so much more I am eternally grateful.”
— Doria Lotan, Portugal
Your heart knows the way. Run in that direction.
the work
A compassionate, non-judgemental space where we’re truly heard and accepted as we are, allows us to relax our defenses and move into dialoge with our dreams, desires, traumas, fears, wounds and limitations. And so creating a safe, fertile ground for the blossoming of sacred communion with life and the awakening of our innate wisdom.
Through these sessions, I’m dedicated to creating a safe, tender and loving space for the sacred and delicate process of life to unfold; to bring about fundamental healing and transformation so that you may live your life in accordance with your authethic passion and purpose.
Transformative, intuitive coaching and sacred companionship is a gentle, yet powerful exploration and healing of all pertaining to the sacred journey of life. Below are ideas of what might be explored through our work together:
the art of deep listening - listening and following the voice of the heart, within and through the unfolding of life and relationships
spiritual emergency assistance and integration
integrating Ayahuasca and psychedelic/medicine journeys
tending to trauma, abuse and wounding
generational and ancestral trauma healing
re-mothering - tending to the mother/father wound, childhood trauma and conditioning
navigating the fertile darkness of the unknown - soul retrieval & shadow work
reconnection work - reconnecting with your authentic, natural self
boundaries and boundary setting
identifying, letting go and recovering from toxic relationships and circumstances
support in leaving antidepressants and similar behind and with a tender courage face and go through the pain and trauma hidden and put to sleep temporarily under those substances
identifying and letting go of self-limiting beliefs
living from the heart - discovering and embracing what makes you come alive
transformational and conscious communication/sacred relating
conscious relationships, conscious/sacred partnership
conscious parenting
embracing life as sacred; living as embodied servants of love
life and the spiritual journey of transmutation - allowing our pain and suffering to transform into wisdom
“Madhava carries a real wisdom, love and joy, which I feel very grateful to have been able to connect with. And something so powerful, so beautiful, so helpful was there, that I had never experienced like this before; a space completely free of judgement. It was so helpful for me to have a trustful hand to hold, while I was tossed around by the wind of doubt, a beautiful space dedicated to my inner search, an opportunity to reconnect with what is happening within, being guided and realizing things in me that need to be listened to. Madhava’s presence has been for me, since I met her, a bit like a discrete but powerful light that helps to keep the direction and that is somehow always there. It is so easy to loose contact with the inner journey. These mentoring sessions has been a precious source of motivation and has allowed me to remember why to keep on searching, what to look at, and how. And all of it happens in joy and laughter, of course!”
— Lisa, France
Before deciding whether to embark on this journey together, we’ll have a free discovery call for you to experience the work, ask questions and share your expectations and hopes etc. before committing.
Afterwards, we can discuss a custom plan, or you can choose between the following packages.
€225 - monthly payment for 4x weekly sessions (for longer processes of at least 3 months)
“The sessions with Madhava Priya are always deeply impactful and transformative. Her unparalleled compassion, non-judgmental approach, warmth, kindness and open heartedness combined with her profound wisdom and insights make her a brilliant coach. So naturally and effortlessly she holds sacred space for my process of growth. I experience Madhava Priya as committed, gentle, feminine, connected to herself, and deeply spiritual. Her devotion to the Supreme and trust in the Universe is a source of inspiration to me. Each session with her is like a graceful dance between two souls. How fortunate is one to be coached by her!”
— Monica, Germany
about me
When I was ninteen years old and had spent a year feeling deep sadness and lack of meaning in my outwardly successful life, I experienced a divine intervention leading me to mother Ayahuasca. She taught me about life and existence and the tender nature of the heart. She awoke in me a remembrance of true life, of divine love. And since then, my sincere (and humanly messy) striving is to make my life a dedication and offering to that love.
For ten years I lived, learned and served at Sinchi Runa Institute. A plant medicine healing center in the Guatemalan and Peruvian jungles (currently based in Portugal). The first three years I spent mostly in solitude and plant “dietas” without communication with the outer world. I spoke with mother Ayahuasca, the forest, the elements, the spirits of the plants and the Earth mother. I ventured through divine realms and descended to heal and revive what’s been repressed and forgotten in shadow worlds within me. Gradually, I came to accompany others as a healer and facilitator in medicine circles and kambo ceremonies, as well as offering therapeutic spiritual companionship.
I’m a certified Transformative Coach by Satvatove Institute and a certified Hatha Yoga and Meditation Teacher by Hridaya Yoga. With over a decade of studying, contemplating and living the mysticism and teachings of saints from spiritual paths and religions worldwide, I recently found my spiritual home and belonging as a bhakta in the Gaudiya Vaishnava tradition. In 2022 I received initiation by my spiritual master Śrī Śrīmad Bhaktivedānta Madhusūdana Gosvāmī Mahārāja in Vrindavan, India.
To the ones coming my way, I’m a friend and fellow traveller. To some I’m a big sister and serve as a companion and compass. To others I’m a young sister blessed by their shelter and guidance. Opening my hands to give and receive grace and sacred friendship. Honouring the Supreme Beloved and the law of love that governs and overcomes all. This is my offering and medicine, and also a continuing of what has mostly nurtured and continues to nurture me on my journey Home.
In infinite gratitude for the Miracle and Mystery of Life and Being,
Madhava Priya dasi